Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Brooklyn bridge

I couldn't stay home this past Sunday. It was a great day to make pictures. I decided to make a trip to the neighborhood of Brooklyn Heights to practice my photography skills. It was a beautiful sunny day. Basically a perfect day to shoot some pictures. I went late in the afternoon around 4 PM to get the perfect sun light. I love the black and white picture, but I kept the original picture because I love the colors.
The Brooklyn Heights Promenade is a perfect place to escape to from Crown Heights and just walk around slowly and enjoy the great view on Manhattan and the surrounding neighborhood.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I'm still trying to figure out the perfect lighting and colours. I'm realising that it doesn't come so quick and easy as I hoped it would be. This photograph is taken at my sisters living room table. I used a Kosher lamp ( Shabbos lamp ) as background light. I experimented the all afternoon yesterday with different colours and lighting sources.